My journey began in theater, performing in avant-garde productions at the American Repertory Theater. This early exposure to both performing arts and nascent computer technology created the foundation for my unique perspective on creativity and technology. When I was a kid in the late 70's, my dad worked as a quality assurance consultant for computer companies up and down Boston's Route 128. He tested new machines and software packages, looking for bugs. One night he brought me to his office at Applicon, an early CAD pioneer, and showed me a digital image of a bear. It was the first computer graphic I had ever seen. My real passion growing up, though, was theater. I started as a child actor in avant garde productions at the American Repertory Theater in Cambridge, MA. In 1984, when I was 14, I was cast by Robert Wilson for his restaging of the Cologne section of the 'Civil WarS' and he became a huge influence on me.